البحوث المنشورة

تاسم الباحثعنوان البحثاسم المجلةتصنيف المجلةتاريخ النشرالرابط
1علي محمد سعديEffect of Adding Sodium Caseinate, Whey protein concentrate, and Milk Protein Concentrate on the Physical, Rheological, and Sensory Properties of Yogurt Produced from Goat MilkAPPLIED AND NATURAL SCIENCE FOUNDATIONScopus20/12/2023الرابط
2علي محمد سعديUse of Linseed oil and animal tallow in nutrition and its effect on blood characteristics and meat composition in BroilersEgyptian Journal of Veterinary SciencesScopus2/20/2024الرابط
3علي محمد سعديEffect of adding flaxseed oil and tallow and their Combination on the Productive Performance of BroilersEgyptian Journal of Veterinary SciencesScopus1/15/2024الرابط
4عمر إبراهيم دلال باشيThreat Detection Model for WLAN of Simulated Data Using Deep Convolution Neural Networkapplied sciencesScopus23/10/2023الرابط
5محمد فاضل حميدRelation between Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) with some biochemical variables in high risk aborted women in Mosul city / IraqJournal of Applied and Natural ScienceScopus2023الرابط
6عمر إبراهيم دلال باشيLung Disease Recognition Methods Using Audio-based Analysis with Machine LearningJournal Pre-proofScopus & clarivate2024الرابط
7عمر إبراهيم دلال باشيdeveloping a model for unmanned aerial vehicle with fixed-wing using 3D-map exploring rapidly random tree teqniqueBulletin of Electrical Engineering and InformaticsScopus2024الرابط
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