Graduation Requirements
- The graduate should be able to work in:-
- Health centers, public and private hospitals, Red Crescent and Red Cross organizations, and organizations working in the field of emergency relief.
- First aid for cardiac injuries and cardiac arrest, including the use of life-saving treatments.
- Use of devices and therapeutic means such as heart rate monitors and defibrillators.
- Control of bleeding, and the skill of dealing with spinal injuries such as fixation and safe transportation, control of fractures including assessing the degree of fracture and splinting it and using a tension splint as needed.
- Control of burns, including knowledge and assessment of the degree and area of the burn and knowledge of the most serious burns and how to treat them.
- Control of airways and artificial respiration, sorting patients in cases of mass casualties, assessment and assessment of the safety of public accident sites, skills in preparing and submitting oral and written reports.