Department of Medical Laboratories Techniques
Meeting the community’s need for specialized staff to support various health, research and educational institutions, in addition to investing the qualifications of faculty members and students in initial and higher theoretical and applied scientific research and studies, as well as training, awareness and health and scientific mobilization within future foundations that are in line with modern developments by acquiring high technical and professional expertise and harnessing it scientifically and academically according to an advanced methodological perspective.
Preparing specialized staff with scientific specifications and modern technical standards to work in various health and research institutions, as well as supporting the private sector, providing the best services and developing the faculty staff and student in the fields of scientific and cognitive research, creating postgraduate studies and providing services to the community, and expanding the horizons of scientific cooperation with related counterpart departments to achieve integration.
Preparing distinguished human resources academically, professionally and ethically in developing the educational process.
Obtaining the highest levels of quality in education in line with the health agency’s needs.
Preparing scientific researches that contribute to solving medical problems.