Program Aim

Department of Community Health: The department aims to prepare
technical staff working in the ;ield of occupational health and safety,
inspection and health control and the implementation of primary health
care programs and health awareness campaigns.
1. Achieving international standards in medical and medical technical
2. To understand the progress in the ;ield of work through the development of medical and health technical sections corresponding to the change in the treatment and preventive approach.
3. Preparing a quali;ied and knowledgeable cadre to deal with the technological development in the ;ield of work and the global environment.
4. Provide the ideal environment as much as possible to achieve optimal
5. Emphasize self-esteem and respect for others.
6. Continuing to keep abreast of the developments in various branches of
medical and health specialization to enhance the skills and knowledge of
the staff.
7. Ensuring respect for the strict traditions of the university and the
sancti;ication of the profession and its ethics.
8. Emphasize the principle of lifelong learning for students and associates.


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