زيارة السيد رئيس نقابة الأكاديميين / فرع نينوى إلى المعهد التقني الطبي الموصل

Mr. President of the Academics Syndicate / Nineveh Branch visited our institute

Mr. President of the Academics Syndicate / Nineveh Branch visited our institute

Mr. President of the Academics Syndicate / Nineveh Branch visited our institute


Asst. Prof. Dr. Mohammed Fadhil Haddad, the Dean of the Medical Technical Institute / Mosul, had the honor of hosting Dr. Basil Khalaf Himood, the President of the Academics Syndicate / Nineveh Branch, in his office. They discussed several important matters, including:

*Supporting Academics at Our Institute.

*Activating the Scientific Research System through Academics.

They also deliberated on how to activate the role of the Academics Syndicate in hosting its members in the institute council. It included clarifying the roles and responsibilities of the academics’ representative within the council.

Furthermore, they addressed the role of the syndicate in obtaining the rights of academics in higher education institutions regarding plots of land. They discussed the facilitations provided by the Academics Syndicate to faculty members affiliated with the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research across various institutions and administrative regions of the country.

Mr. President of the Academics Syndicate / Nineveh Branch visited our institute